Our Mission statement

Christian Redermayer Photography is focused on inspiring and empowering people everywhere to make joy through their extraordinary architectural and fine art photography that serve the client's needs, offering excellent service and flexibility with a personal touch, and offering value-added services related to photography.

01 Architecture

Olympic, Oval, Richmond, British Columbia, Christian Redermayer Photography, Vancouver, Architecture, Canada, Commercial Photography
Olympic Oval - Richmond - British Columbia @ Christian Redermayer Photography

Our mission statement

Shooting ordinary scenes and make them extraordinary and timeless for our clients

02 Product Illustration

Christian Redermayer Photography, Energy Drink, Product Illustration, Vancouver, Canada, British Columbia, Commercial Photography
Award winning image "Energy Drink" @ Christian Redermayer Photography

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Our promises for you

Christian Redermayer Photography provides you 

- a free first consultation
- let's talk about your project and understand your needs
- let's plan your project to fulfill your requirements
- we love to deliver our promises of Swiss quality to you


Christian Redermayer Photography



anticipating client needs and wants



being authentic, honest, fair, respectful, integrity and friendly



delivering responsive, timely and quality work and building a positive and trustful relationship



embracing life long learning and staying ahead of the curve and thinking outside of the box



focusing on solutions, not issues, anticipating problems before they arise and keeping the end goal in mind



conveying enthusiasm and passion to customers, partners and team members and sharing the creative process


Thank you for browsing our website. 

We offer you a first free consultation to understand how we can assist you and talk about your project. 


Please provide some information below or use one of the buttons on the right hand side

and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


We look forward to working with you.


Christian Redermayer Photography

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